How stupid was Harvey Weinstein. What an idiot by abusing so many women? Didn't he realise that they were ADULTS, and adults can talk to authorities and eventually get-together and cause trouble?
He should have gone after small children. Much easier, and a whole lot safer. Kids don't understand what is happening; they can't articulate as well as adults, and with some luck they will kill themselves anyway before they grow-up and cause trouble like adult victims do.
And as George Pell's lawyers have proven, that because crimes against children are usually committed in private, and children really do not understand their rights etc., a conviction by a jury can now be challenged based on the 'element of doubt'. All it takes is a lot of money and power.
As he sits in jail today, poor Harvey must be kicking himself for picking such bad targets. Now he must pay.
Silly man.
Ross B. Taylor.
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